This tool will grow polygon selection based on “Edge Angle”, i.e. angle between normals of two polygons sharing particular edge. In other words. You’ve got selected polygon(s). Adjacent polygons will be added to selection (selection will be grown) if Edge Angle between polygons is in some range (set in UI). This growing will proceed until there is no valid polygons to grow. Similar tool called “Select by angle” can be found in 3DSMAX.
- Fully interactive. Tweak controls and immediately see results in viewports.
- Capable to process dense meshes. Written with Python API.
- Implementation of 3DSMAX “Select by angle”
Edge Angle Grow is a part of FX Python Tools. Download fxpt from Github and place it in your PYTHONPATH directory. Run following code in Script Editor or make a shelf button.
from fxpt import fx_grow_selection_by_edge_angle
No UI Mode
If you don’t want to see UI and fire Edge Angle Grow instantly with predefined parameters use this code
from fxpt import fx_grow_selection_by_edge_angle fx_grow_selection_by_edge_angle.runNoUI(minAngle, maxAngle, highlightState)
minAngle – minimum angle in degrees
maxAngle – maximum angle in degrees
highlightState – True or False. Highlight state of target geom.